In our daily CES2024 update,
we keep you posted on our adventures during this great event.
From January 9th to 12th, 2024, we are in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Fuga Cloud is proud to showcase its technology as part of the NL Tech Pavilion in Eureka Park at the Venetian Expo, Booth 62100.
You can also follow us on Social media for our CES2024 update:
Schedule: Friday January 12th, CES Day4
Opening hours: 09.00-16.00
12.00 Fuga pitch
15.30 Pitch sessions 45s.
Schedule: Thursday January 11th, CES Day3
Opening hours: 09.00-18.00
15.30 Pitch sessions 45s.
Great day yesterday. We had many conversations about data storage, GDPR compliance and security. Visitors from all over the world including Japan, Bulgaria, US, France and Singapore showed interest in Fuga’s cloud services.
In between we also had time to visit other parts of the fair and see the sometimes bizarre novelties related to home automation, sports & fitness, health and data processing. This included the announcement by the Korean delegation of the Drone Soccer world championship and a demonstration match in a cage with 10 drones entered by a red and a blue team.
CES2024: Wednesday January 10th, Evening
Dutch Bar Takeover (organised by Rabobank and 4TU) and the Food Tech side event.
CES2024 update: Wednesday January 10th, Day2
Opening hours: 09.00-18.00
15.30 Pitch sessions 45s.
19.00 NovelT & Rabobank Bar Takeover @Ellis Island
Yesterday was a great start with coaching sessions from Cheryl Edison and Hatim Chraibi.
After the opening of the NL pavilion by Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau, Gary Shapiro and John Kelly, the day could really start.
We had several conversations at the stand about our cloud solution, with passers-by and, among others, Gilles Deleuze, who had selected us for discussion.
Afterwards there was the European Night networking drinks where we met other participants of #EUatCES and were able to exchange experiences.
Big support from Engaige and Dology neighbours 😉
CES2024 update: Official opening pavilion
The opening of the Dutch pavilion couldn’t just be with a small word or cutting a ribbon.
So taking a walk in a flower garden via VR, that’s a good way to start with CES.
CES2024 update: Tuesday January 9th, Day 1
Opening hours: 10.00 – 18.00
10.45 Opening NL pavillion by Gary Shapiro, John Kelley & Constantijn van Oranje
15.30 Pitch sessions – 45s. Pitches
18.00 Drinks with EU countries
First day in the nice orange Dutch pavilion. I’s great to be part of this.
CES2024 update: Monday January 8th
We have arrived in Las Vegas!
Tired from the long journey, but very excited to actually start CES2024! Now first find the hotel and then get to know the city and its residents.
CES2024 update: Friday January 5th
We are packing our bags. Selecting what we really need and see if there is some space left for souvenirs on the way back.
Links to CES related pages
Meet us in LA
Read more about our CES mission on our CES 2024 page.
CES 2024 special
We have a special FREE trial for our visitors at CES, but we make it also available for our readers and followers.
Contact Martijn
Martijn is our Fuganeer of Business Development, so you want to talk with him to see what we can do for your business.
Schedule a meeting at CES, or contact him personally.